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Prosperity Flows from the Inside Out

Prosperity flows from the inside out. Prosperity is a result of salvation. Prosperity is part of our covenant with God and is the full manifestation of shalom, or peace, which in Hebrew means wholeness, health and healing, favour, and a blessed life. Shalom means you enjoy relationships- healthy relationships. You enjoy a healthy mind and body, and healthy finances. True prosperity is a result of prospering on the inside. Anytime you are not prospering, don’t look to blame anyone or anything else; look on the inside. Ask God to show you what is not stable in your life and in your heart.

“Examine me, O Lord, and test me; try my affections and my heart” -Psalm 26:2

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my concerns, and see if there is any rebellious way in me, and lead me in the ancient way.” -Psalm 139:23-24

Ask God to show you if there is anything you need to be healed of and delivered from so that what’s on the inside can manifest on the outside.

“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, even as your soul is well.” -3 John 2

Prosperity is more than financial abundance or having a lot of money. You can have money and no prosperity. If your marriage and other relationships are messed up- if your mind, body and/or spirit is messed up and you have no peace- then you are not prospering.

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