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kingdom leadership - Honour Culture

Kingdom Leadership - Honour Culture

The definition of ‘to honour’ is ‘to respect; to hold in high esteem’. Kingdom-style leaders thrive on developing the culture of honour among followers. This kind of culture requires everyone to choose at all times and at all levels to recognize and acknowledge worth and act accordingly with each other through mutual respect, honesty and sincerity.

Honouring leadership is about where do I position myself to bring the best out of the other person, not what do I expect them to do for me. When we take time to listen to a work colleague’s problems, despite our own situation, we are valuing them above ourselves; when we help a stranger with an act of kindness, this demonstrates Jesus’ love and says to them ‘you are worth it’. In these situations we are working to Kingdom priorities rather than earth-based deadlines and get this incredible opportunity to honour people in God’s eyes. Even when the other person (a colleague, boss or supplier, a customer, client or patient, a stranger, family member or friend) does not reciprocate, it is important to remain resilient and keep projecting honour.

Become the best encourager, bringing out an individual’s earthbound talents but also how God sees that person through heavenly revelation, even when they don’t see it themselves. Through prophecy and encouragement enable each person to see what they can become. In God’s Kingdom everyone is treated with honour, dignity and respect and that’s what we desire to create ‘on earth as it is in heaven’.

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